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Cats: Batman Tags:
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micino 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Yes Wayne, I join all the others friends and thank you so much for your kindness ... and for showing and giving us all your artworks...
africat 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Wayne, it is very definitely I who want to thank YOU ... you are the inspiration for all the photos I take these days! I SOOO look forward to opening Picato each day to admire your fantastic artwork, and to see your wonderful pictures of Batman! You are the best! Thank you for your dedication and generosity .. and for your great love of all kitties - Bat is VERY, VERY lucky ...XOXOXOXOXO
iluvcats 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
No, No, No - - it is "I" who thank you for your DEVOTION to your BATMAN and to all kitties and their "parents" around the world!!!!! XOXOXOXXO
Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
No it is I, that wants to Thank you, you make my day, a much brighter one in ways that I will never capture in words! I am blessed by knowing you folks, and the smiles that are brought to my face by the outstanding photos that appear on this site. Thank you is not enough, but it is all I have to say! Love, Batman
Sissi77 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
I think the same. Thank you Wayne. You are a very nice person and your art make my days happy!!!
MackemCat 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Thank you too Wayne. Your friendship and the love you give us all, means the world.......xxxxxxxx
Fiocco 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Your photographs and kindness are supreme Wayne! Hope you know this! Every day you make our lives better.. with your UNIQUE art (no existing pc-programme is so lucky to have anything so fine), your neverending sweetness and care... We love you Wayne, remember this... always! xxx
Eli 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Wayne, thanks to you, your pics and frames are a joy to see and seeing Bat every morning when I open Picato makes me smile and brights up my day!!!
lasombra99 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
thank you too, wayne
Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
I just wanted to say thankyou To All of you! Love, Wayne& Batman
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