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Cats: Tags: Constance
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POUPIE 23.12.2012 21:53 | Flag
Constance ,est de nouveau ,à la clinique vétérinaire,très certainement ,pour une insuffisance cardiaque.s'il vous plaît ,je vous demande de penser,à Elle,encore et encore...........En vous remerciant ,par avance
gillybean 22.12.2012 10:18 | Flag
So glad to learn Constance has returned home to your loving care. I couldn't agree more with all said below about the value and friendship Picato friends have for one another. The best site, with our adorable felines.
iluvcats 21.12.2012 20:28 | Flag
Thrilled Constance is back home under your loving care. She would be very tired - I'm sure very difficult to sleep at the vets ... hugs
POUPIE 21.12.2012 17:44 | Flag
Constance ,est de retour,à la maison,pour notre grand bonheur.........Nous ,serons ,à ses petits soins,pour,lui apporter ,le plus de confort .......... possible.Elle ronronne,beaucoup ,et nous fait ,la conversation.Elle reste cependant très fatiguée.
Chiara74 21.12.2012 13:48 | Flag
Petite Constance, tu rentres à la maison ce soir, on espère tous à ta proche guérison. Bisous de nous tous.
isabelle 21.12.2012 11:06 | Flag
Oh Constance, you are such a classy feline. Hope you are okay!
Eli 21.12.2012 08:15 | Flag
Couldn't agree more with the comments below. This is a wonderful site! And Constance, sweetie, we are thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery, so that we can enjoy your pics for many more years!
butterflynye1 21.12.2012 06:15 | Flag
I'm sending my thoughts to sweet Constance everyday. Keep us informed...the Picato family is here for you always. And, well said iluvcats! I agree totally!
jilleshea 21.12.2012 00:10 | Flag
I absolutely agree with the comment below...well said. This is a great site and I thoroughly enjoy looking at all the photos every day.
iluvcats 20.12.2012 22:16 | Flag
We're one big family ... and we all have done so much for each other ... comforting, sharing, consoling, commiserating, laughing, crying and just plain caring about each other and all our furries ... I luv Picato and all who are here!
POUPIE 20.12.2012 20:08 | Flag
à tous les Amies et Amies de Picato,pour vous remercier ,de votre sollicitude...................
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