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Claire 05.08.2017 09:36 | Flag
Yep, even though it has an automatic shut off I unplug it before leaving for work. When I get home I crank the A.C. in the bedroom and plug the pad back in.
pmgr111 01.08.2017 15:58 | Flag
Yes she definitely loves it. You might think twice though about leaving it on when you're not home. I had a neighbor once who had their electric blanket catch fire while they were in the shower and burn the house down. A heating pad really isn't meant to stay on all day.
doerscheln 01.08.2017 12:08 | Flag
Yes, it looks like she loves to sleep on her heating pad just like four boys from NH. Moritz on the other hand uses to sleep beside the heating pad I've bought for him last winter.
scrappy 31.07.2017 18:05 | Flag
I'm in heaven pops, now go to work! Sez Clairette...
iluvcats 31.07.2017 16:12 | Flag
Life is oh so good in Clairebelle's world!!! <3
Eli 31.07.2017 06:08 | Flag
Just look at her face, I think she LOVES it!!!
tele_mark 31.07.2017 02:09 | Flag
I think she's happy!
Claire 30.07.2017 21:40 | Flag
Since I set the central air for the bedroom VERY cool for sleeping, I've started leaving a heating pad on the bed for Claire. Do you think she likes it?
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