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pmgr111 22.11.2014 06:34 | Flag
So the look was "well didn't you fix the pillows for me!"
Claire 20.11.2014 23:59 | Flag
Scrappy's right...I had just poofed up the pillows for some quality couch potato time in front of the big screen, and when I came back from fixing a refreshing beverage in the kitchen she had declared squatter's rights!
scrappy 20.11.2014 22:19 | Flag
Miss Clairette communicates well! Here she is saying, "My rules...and my couch daddy!"
suelin57 20.11.2014 20:16 | Flag
In contrast to her very UN ladylike photos we've seen! LOL
tele_mark 20.11.2014 14:29 | Flag
I agree, she looks very lady-like!
MickeysMom 20.11.2014 13:59 | Flag
What a beautiful picture of Claire...such an intelligent looking girl!
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