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pmgr111 24.10.2013 19:26 | Flag
Well I agree with Scrappys comment. When I used to get cat grass for my cats they did upchuck it on the carpet later so I quit getting it. How about catnip? Have you tried that. They don't usually eat it. I've had cats in the past that did react to it but my current cats don't have any reaction.
scrappy 24.10.2013 18:59 | Flag
Daddy, Claire isn't too sure about that might make her do her projectile barfing thing. She has a sensitive tum!
pmgr111 24.10.2013 16:32 | Flag
Hello Claire. How pretty you look with the color comp in this photo. Do you know what the pretty green stuff is behind you. It's cat grass Claire. Daddy bought it just for you. You should try some.
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