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Eli 29.10.2012 07:52 | Flag
Lol, Claire, I'd love to see you in your skinny jeans!!!
butterflynye1 28.10.2012 00:59 | Flag
way to go on the weight loss. I've always wondered where Claire lives...I've always loved the shots from this window...thanks for sharing.
Claire 27.10.2012 18:34 | Flag
That was the western sky at 8 A.M. in Ajax Ontario.
Carmen 27.10.2012 17:39 | Flag
Good job, Claire! By the way, nice blue sky.
Claire 27.10.2012 16:58 | Flag
Yay, Claire just got back from her pedicure, and we swung by the vet's on the way home for a weigh in after her being a couple of lbs overweight last month. She's down from 10 pounds to 9.1 pounds. Another month and she'll be able to get back into her skinny jeans!!!
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