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09.05.2015 14:17 | Flag
Claire says:
You put the clean laundry away??? WHYYYYYYY?!!!
06.05.2015 05:11 | Flag
Claire says:
These pretzels are making me thirsty!
01.05.2015 19:14 | Flag
Claire says:
Pretty hard to take a bad picture of her on her perch with the color combination going on in that area.
28.04.2015 09:21 | Flag
Claire says:
She loves the fresh air now that it's mild enough to open the windows. I've tested the screen to where I'm satisfied that she could never push it out, but still only have those windows open when I'm home in case she starts hurling herself at it to get to any birds flying by!
28.04.2015 09:16 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Mickey!
27.04.2015 22:16 | Flag
Claire says:
Checking out the doggies downstairs!
19.04.2015 11:30 | Flag
Claire says:
Chef Claire wouldn't dream of whipping up a batch of her famous firehouse chili without a few splashes of a good chipotlé hot sauce!
05.04.2015 18:28 | Flag
Claire says:
We had our Easter dinner Saturday night, and her plate of baked ham, and scalloped potatoes put her down for the count...(just like the rest of us!)
02.04.2015 20:02 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire, and her doppelganger!
01.04.2015 22:14 | Flag
Claire says:
But Claire can't be better looking than CLAIRE.
01.04.2015 21:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire thinks she's much better looking. I don't have the heart to tell her the truth!
01.04.2015 19:18 | Flag
Claire says:
Now THAT'S a face!!!
22.03.2015 21:24 | Flag
Claire says:
I hope those are apples you're bobbing for Goober!
21.03.2015 18:25 | Flag
Claire says:
In the Toronto Area, we never get hit as bad with snow as New England, or even Buffalo which is directly across lake Ontario from us...the south side gets all the lake effect on the north, not so much!
14.03.2015 12:21 | Flag
Claire says:
But she clashes with the olive green of the bedrooms, and the soon to be lime green kitchen!
10.03.2015 03:20 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire will treat all thugs, and miscreants to the old Toronto policing tradition of the "Cherry beach express"!
07.03.2015 12:09 | Flag
Claire says:
Storm, you couldn't fight your way out of a...nevermind!
01.03.2015 18:46 | Flag
Claire says:
That's better Claire. Now isn't that nicer than puking all over Dad's new guitar?
01.03.2015 18:45 | Flag
Claire says:
Keep on keeping on wee one!
01.03.2015 15:03 | Flag
Claire says:
We've just found the headquarters of an international cat smuggling ring!
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