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16.07.2013 23:33 | Flag
Claire says:
Count Clairula!
14.07.2013 20:59 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Botas!
10.07.2013 20:11 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes they are very similar.
10.07.2013 13:32 | Flag
Claire says:
Black cats are the coolest looking cats, and Timmy is a fine example!
09.07.2013 19:43 | Flag
Claire says:
Frick, and Frack!
09.07.2013 19:42 | Flag
Claire says:
Or rehearsing for a public address at the Brandenburg Gate!
09.07.2013 18:50 | Flag
Claire says:
Kuz looks like he could be Claire's brother!
09.07.2013 18:48 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Kuz!
09.07.2013 17:20 | Flag
Claire says:
Pea the reverse Kittler!
09.07.2013 17:18 | Flag
Claire says:
My Pea, such a relaxed pose, coupled with such an intense stare!
09.07.2013 16:48 | Flag
Claire says:
Not really sure what has caught her eye, but for some reason her gaze is reminding me of the cat in "Alien" just as Harry Dean Stanton is about to "get it"!
09.07.2013 16:22 | Flag
Claire says:
09.07.2013 15:31 | Flag
Claire says:
09.07.2013 15:22 | Flag
Claire says:
I guess they do work better for smaller cats. "Pea", another cat on here who is even smaller than Claire loves her "Dream Curl" also. To be fair though, I actually bought this for my last cat Cricket, who was a big bruiser...close to 20 pounds, and she loved flopping on it too!
09.07.2013 15:18 | Flag
Claire says:
I just have the cheapest bottom end Olympus...half the shots are unusable because they are out of focus. LOL
09.07.2013 14:45 | Flag
Claire says:
tele that you in the forum section of, or just someone with the same name?
09.07.2013 13:26 | Flag
Claire says:
Move over little one, there's enough room for your buddy in there too!
09.07.2013 07:31 | Flag
Claire says:
They're pretty much the same size.
08.07.2013 23:34 | Flag
Claire says:
Whatcha doing in the kitchen Dad? Can I help in some sort of disposal capacity???
08.07.2013 19:02 | Flag
Claire says:
Thanks, she stays indoors, so she always looks pretty clean.
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