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10.03.2013 20:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep that's a regular thing...she always panics for just a second when you first pick it up, but calms down and enjoys the ride after about 10 seconds.
10.03.2013 20:33 | Flag
Claire says:
Thanks, I think her face looks real pretty in this shot.
09.03.2013 13:48 | Flag
Claire says:
A little dab of peroxide should clear up that zit!
06.03.2013 01:17 | Flag
Claire says:
The vet, and the groomer that does her nails love drama, claws, or teeth involved ever!
05.03.2013 03:48 | Flag
Claire says:
Yay...time for some vaccinations!
02.03.2013 09:11 | Flag
Claire says:
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
01.03.2013 22:12 | Flag
Claire says:
So sorry about your little buddy Dale. It looks like you gave him a very happy life. Maybe not right now, but in time the happy memories you have of him will start to ease the pain.
28.02.2013 23:12 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire wants to be part of orangapalooza!
26.02.2013 20:31 | Flag
Claire says:
All talk, no walk so far LOL!
23.02.2013 08:34 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL, like a couple of shy kids on a first date.
21.02.2013 00:49 | Flag
Claire says:
Shhh...I'm trying to keep her humble. LOL!
18.02.2013 11:58 | Flag
Claire says:
Love the white "shoes"!
17.02.2013 17:01 | Flag
Claire says:
Dear me, the poor little feller.
17.02.2013 15:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Aw. What is Tigger's ailment?
16.02.2013 20:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Hurray for Constance!!!
16.02.2013 17:44 | Flag
Claire says:
Belly shirt!
16.02.2013 15:18 | Flag
Claire says:
No, I'm afraid it's just me and my monkey.
16.02.2013 02:04 | Flag
Claire says:
Daddy only allows me in it after it's been scrubbed clean, so my beautiful white fur doesn't get soiled with his cooties!
15.02.2013 20:17 | Flag
Claire says:
Pirate looks like a big furry light bulb!
13.02.2013 11:53 | Flag
Claire says:
Ace Ventura!
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