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30.12.2012 12:19 | Flag
Claire says:
Launching in 4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!!!
30.12.2012 11:57 | Flag
Claire says:
Or "She Loves You". I wonder if they make Beatle wigs for cats?
30.12.2012 09:44 | Flag
Claire says:
GUILTY! Next case...
29.12.2012 22:40 | Flag
Claire says:
Ten pounds of kit in a five pound box!
29.12.2012 22:36 | Flag
Claire says:
Mmm, that's good cardboard!
26.12.2012 14:38 | Flag
Claire says:
Even split.
26.12.2012 10:17 | Flag
Claire says:
No need to pack away the leftover turkey Gram...I'll take care of that for you!
22.12.2012 21:44 | Flag
Claire says:
Hairy Lee Lewis!
22.12.2012 04:56 | Flag
Claire says:
I can't believe that poor Constance is ill. she is such a favourite on this site, that I'm sure everyone that has read about her problems here is hoping and praying for her full recovery!
21.12.2012 23:27 | Flag
Claire says:
Must be rump roast on the menu!
20.12.2012 08:12 | Flag
Claire says:
Trying to hatch the PC mouse like an egg!
12.12.2012 10:18 | Flag
Claire says:
It's the Cheshire Cat!
11.12.2012 10:36 | Flag
Claire says:
10.12.2012 03:10 | Flag
Claire says:
Well done though...I just have the Christmas cape without the hat for Claire, and still haven't managed to get a shot like this snapped yet.
09.12.2012 22:23 | Flag
Claire says:
She sits like this all the time :o)
05.12.2012 11:56 | Flag
Claire says:
Just waiting for her tiara, and tin of caviar!
03.12.2012 08:44 | Flag
Claire says:
Party dress on, waiting for her date to pick her up and take her to the dance!
02.12.2012 18:46 | Flag
Claire says:
This is Claire around 8 A.M. After bouncing off the walls from 4 in the morning, bugging for food, and finally being fed, its now time for a nap till noon!
02.12.2012 11:20 | Flag
Claire says:
Time for a belly rub, or is this just a fiendish trap?
26.11.2012 21:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Wow! Look at the reach on that arm, and the big ol' paw on the end. Claire would give me a concussion during her 3 A.M. "wake up and feed me" swats to the head if she was built like this fabulous looking cat!
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