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Cat: Ivan
By: tele_mark 17.03.2014 04:40 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Robocat Ivan Storm Tags: group
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Eli 18.03.2014 07:35 | Flag
I would be very careful with Mikesch too, in a panic cats can be incredibly fast climbers!
doerscheln 17.03.2014 17:04 | Flag
The boys have the best cat Dad ! :) But that is the right thing to do, better be on the safe side than to take the risk that Mikesch could escape. Thanks a lot for the updates.
tele_mark 17.03.2014 16:07 | Flag
Mikesch was watching them all through the deck door. I'm not letting him out just yet -- I want to add top arms and fencing to the fence on the deck. He's still very skittish and extremely fast and agile, and I'm afraid if he goes out there and panics, he'll be able to climb up and out before I could do anything.
doerscheln 17.03.2014 13:15 | Flag
Great that the boys had some fresh air and that they can go out now if they like. It wont take so long anymore and sping will arrive in NH, too. Was Mikesch also outside ? I think Storm could enjoy your garden last year already but Mikesch ? Must be the first time this year that he will see the enclosure
tele_mark 17.03.2014 11:18 | Flag
There was a 50F day here last week where I was able to open the door and let them out for a little while. After 6 months inside, all they did was stay outside for about 10 minutes and go back inside! Then I modified the old basement window door from the old house to fit in the bedroom window, and jury-rigged a ramp outside, and found it works pretty good. So eventually they'll be able to go out as they please, especially after the rear door is replaced with a slider.
doerscheln 17.03.2014 08:53 | Flag
All snuggled together ! :) Is there still no chance to go out for your boys ? Still cold in NH ?
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