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Cat: Ivan
By: tele_mark 17.09.2013 01:41 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ivan Robocat Storm Tags: group
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suelin57 18.09.2013 04:36 | Flag
Just another inmate at Kitmo!! lol I think it was meant to be.
iluvcats 17.09.2013 18:12 | Flag
I can hear Munchkin purring all the way here in Florida, Mark ... ^♥^
tele_mark 17.09.2013 17:41 | Flag
He definitely seems to be saying "I was minding my business in this yard when you trapped me. Now, everything here and in this house I claim as mine!"
trhays57 17.09.2013 13:46 | Flag
tele-mark - you said your boys love the baby. This one may be telling you something - that he has found his home. He certainly looks at ease, and he has already been eating with the boys. Poor Chloe will probably continue to hate everyone but you, but as long she has your love, I'm more than sure she will be OK. Rescues sometimes pick us and our hearts. From all I've seen, you definitely give your heart to the babies in return. I say keep him Daddy.
agroshong 17.09.2013 12:43 | Flag
rescues almost always take time, don't they? I adopted a semi-feral cat years ago from the shelter. She didn't speak at first and it took her a year to jump into my lap when sitting on the sofa. All worth the patience in the end.
doerscheln 17.09.2013 10:43 | Flag
Well, I know how its like. After years of rescues I had 7 cats and a wilder cat outside to take care of and feed. :) It is always hard to give them to another family but we cant keep them all, can we ? :) But to be honest to me it looks like the little boy is at home already :)
2catts 17.09.2013 09:05 | Flag
Sometimes we are "chosen" by a stray. Has happened to me more than once and each one became really important to my life. At one time had six neutered males in a high-rise and fed another outside for seven years - he would not let me pick him up or he'd have been inside, for sure.
tele_mark 17.09.2013 01:48 | Flag
Baby (now "Munchkin" on the vet records) had lots of firsts today. (Probably) his first car ride (except maybe to be dumped, we'll never know), first vet visit, first shots. He did great and was very brave. Total clean bill of health. He's also up .5 pounds from last week, to 5 even, only 1 pound less than Chloe now, and growing fast. My three original cats love him, Chloe continues to hate everyone but me. I've spotted his sibling and the mom sporadically in the front yard and hope to trap them. In the mean time, he continues to do his best to worm his was into my life permanently. God help me, 12 years of rescues and this one is the hardest of them all (besides my cats, but they were a no-brainer).
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