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Cat: Floppy
By: tele_mark 09.06.2015 03:10 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Tags:
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tele_mark 10.06.2015 03:06 | Flag
I tried early on to maintain my lifestyle, but I just got so homesick when I was on the road climbing/skiing/hiking, even though they were in good hands, that I had to just give it all up. I couldn't focus on the route, and it got too dangerous. How can such small animals have such a HUGE presence?
doerscheln 09.06.2015 10:58 | Flag
Btw, isn't it the best "hobby" to live together with cats anyway ? :-) Traveling has fallen out for me sice the first cat moved in. When you have many cats you can't find someone to look after them when you are away and when they get older or sick or both there is nobody good enough to take care of them of course. So I stay at home with the cats in the garden, the best rest !
doerscheln 09.06.2015 07:28 | Flag
Adorable, cute and sweet Floppy Baby !!!! Belatet happy birthday to Ivan and Floppy ! :)
suelin57 09.06.2015 06:16 | Flag
Hard to believe he was ever that little!
tele_mark 09.06.2015 03:28 | Flag
Floppy, about 15 years ago this week. At this point, we knew each other about 2 weeks, but we knew we'd known each other a LOT longer than that! And he single handedly put an end to my rock climbing /mountaineering fun!
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