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Cat: Floppy
By: tele_mark 17.01.2015 15:06 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Storm Tags: group
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tele_mark 19.01.2015 06:15 | Flag
Pretty much suelin. Storm was almost 100% certainly born on this land, right about the time I'd bought the house about 3 months earlier. He saw my cats in the enclosure as a kitten, and decided this is where he and his brother belonged. The rest is history as they say.
scrappy 18.01.2015 15:00 | Flag
That's what I always say! Sandpaper kisses are the best!
qtoot 17.01.2015 22:58 | Flag
AWE kitty licks are the best!
suelin57 17.01.2015 22:12 | Flag
Storm just pushed his way into their hearts, didn't he? "Move over and make room for me!" Then he brought Mikesch into the fold. It's so nice to see them all loving each other.
katinguinha 17.01.2015 15:24 | Flag
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