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Cat: Floppy
By: tele_mark 23.04.2014 02:51 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Storm Tags: group
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trhays57 24.04.2014 13:32 | Flag
I think you right Mark. We humans are the ones left to grieve. The kitties carry on and wonder what's wrong with my human? Hope you are doing OK and finding solace in your remaining furbabies. And kiss Mikesch on the head anyway!
doerscheln 23.04.2014 15:54 | Flag
Yes I had the same experience with my cats, there was only one exception. When Morris passed Willi was looking for him for about 2 weeks but then the world was okay for him again. Please give all your boys a big hug from me !
tele_mark 23.04.2014 15:36 | Flag
No. Cats are strange. They know things differently than we do I think. It was the same when Daisy passed. They knew for months something was wrong, and staid close, but it was a very matter of fact when she wasn't around anymore. I like to think they see each other in the spirit world and nothing really changes much for them.
doerscheln 23.04.2014 15:23 | Flag
What about all your boys , are they looking for Robocat ?
tele_mark 23.04.2014 15:10 | Flag
Mikesch loves being petted now, but still runs away from time to time. He hissed at me last night too when I went to kiss him on the head.
pmgr111 23.04.2014 03:03 | Flag
Good to see them together. How's Mickesh doing?
tele_mark 23.04.2014 02:51 | Flag
Bless this little cat, there's continuity here.
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