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Cat: Floppy
By: tele_mark 13.11.2013 02:37 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Robocat Tags: group
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POUPIE 13.11.2013 18:31 | Flag
Deux petits trésors qui m'enchantent
tele_mark 13.11.2013 16:19 | Flag
They were just waking up from a nap. Floppy was a little groggy.
trhays57 13.11.2013 14:05 | Flag
Floppy seems less than thrilled to have his picture taken! And then Robocat gives him a good head wash to make everything all right. Robocat certainly seems to be the peacekeeper in your group. And they are all so handsome!
doerscheln 13.11.2013 13:33 | Flag
Sooooooo cute ! And both remind me of my Willi. He could look just the same like the boys do here.
Eli 13.11.2013 07:57 | Flag
Oooh, these two are adorable!!!
lindazena 13.11.2013 05:59 | Flag
SO sweeT!
pmgr111 13.11.2013 02:57 | Flag
Hi there you handsome fellas.