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Cat: Puffy, Beans, the old man and 2
By: Wayne M 29.10.2007 01:30 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Puffy, Beans, the old man and 2 Tags: puffy
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Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Hi I am Puffy we live by the water.. Our Adopted Dad and Mom take care of us.. Here we have no plants or grass, We have water(Bay). The small one Bedroom cottage That Pop and Ma rent is our play ground! They Sure Do love us! MEOW!
iluvcats 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Hi Puffy! I feel like you are looking right through me with those gorgeous eyes! You are a spectacular one you are! Keep em comin
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