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By: pdale 14.09.2011 23:44 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Family Spencer Tags:
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librarycin 16.09.2011 23:43 | Flag
Good luck, sweetie! Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way! Get better...
suelin57 15.09.2011 17:27 | Flag
Poor baby, I hope it's not cancer, and gets well soon.
Sirminzi 15.09.2011 13:44 | Flag
Punner boy - trust in your Mum and take your medicine.
pdale 14.09.2011 23:48 | Flag
My son is hurt, he has a bad lesion on his left eye. The Vet said it could even be cancer. We go back on Sunday. For now eye gunk every six hours, saline wash and pain meds. I went to bed and he was ok, and got up and he was like this. My poor Punner, my heart hurts for him, it looks so bad and painful.
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