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By: Debnco 22.10.2008 06:03 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Gandhi Tags: Gandhi
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BUDDERS 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
I am at a loss for words an am extremely sorry !
az009 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
So So Sorry, I Know your pain, he was a beautiful little Guy
micino 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Oh, another sad loss !!! So sorry for dear Gandhi, 'm sure he is now watching you from rainbow bridge....
Teocato 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
I'm so sorry! It's so heartbreaking. God preserves both man and beast. Dear God, please comfort this lovely family and give them peace that passes all understanding. God bless you, dear people! Gandhi had lovely green eyes. I lost a beautiful golden tabby too.
Debnco 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
This is one of the last photos taken of our precious Gandhi. We lost him to lung cancer September 12th 2008 at the age of 13 years. He brought us a lot of joy in his 13 years of life. He will be deeply missed.
Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
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