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By: ter3315 11.08.2011 19:57 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Bowsalena (Bowser) Tags: BOWSER
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iluvcats 20.07.2012 21:20 | Flag
I was so very sorry to read a post that your dear Bowser has passed away. What a pal she was to you through thick and thin. I know how painful the loss is ... rest well little girl ... hugs
rclipper 02.05.2012 20:14 | Flag
Hey Bowser
MOSTRO 22.02.2012 15:38 | Flag
Hello Bowser, you are very very beautiful! xoxoxoxo
ter3315 31.12.2011 23:51 | Flag
Bowsie wishes all her Picato friends and families a healthy, happy, and loving New Year..Love to all from The Bowse, xxxooo
piperbaby 31.12.2011 20:06 | Flag
A real beauty, Happy New Year!
librarycin 13.08.2011 19:29 | Flag
Beautiful, and looks soft, too!
FerrisMewler 12.08.2011 09:54 | Flag
Oh you are a beauty! But I suspect you already knew that! Lovely cat.
Eli 12.08.2011 06:26 | Flag
Hello lovely, so nice to meet you!
iluvcats 11.08.2011 20:38 | Flag
Pleased to meet you Bowser. Welcome, welcome. You are a doll! Can't wait for more snaps of your world!
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