Abbie was a rescued cat. She was very young and pregnant when she made it to the shelter.She was at the shelter for almost 3 yrs before I found her. I thank God she made it, we love her so much. She's the sweetest kittie I've ever met!I see this same love in Piccino's eyes. She loves you much... you are SUPER to have rescued and stuck by her. Everyone here loves you!xoxoxo and Piccino!
It`s so hard when such a favourite leave us. But it`s harder when you never will experienced the love such a pretty cat can give. I hope you understand me. Have a good time with the otherones!
Grazie Merimouse, Piccino è stata per noi molto speciale (l'abbiamo chiamata Piccino perchè quando l'abbiamo trovata era tanto piccola e non sapevamo se era un maschietto o una femminuccia). Non ho mai visto un gatto così dolce (non ha mai tirato fuori le unghie con noi!) e quando l'abbiamo persa ho pianto come una fontana.
ciao Micino, per prima cosa ti sono vicina nel ricordo della piccola Piccino, era davvero bella e speciale.E' stata amata, ed è questa la cosa + importante.Poi grazie x il complimento,ho usato Adobe Photoshop (con grande fatica...) un abbraccio a Chino. Merimouse.
What a beautiful baby. It sounds like you had many wonderful years with your kitty, and I am sure she was very greatful to be rescued by such a kind family. Sorry for your loss...but you are right
she will always be in your heart.