Thanks Tele Mark for remembering Egypt and for your empathy. It was very sad time w/Egypt passing. I had her for over 10 years - she traveled from NYC to Boston to NH w/me. I've been following your kitty cats for years. We're local to you, in Auburn now. It was a trifecta ~a year ago, w/finding out my Dad had cancer, to my puppy hurting her foot/leg and Egypt dying. Dad is cancer-free, puppy healed... Greyson truly rescued me. Couldn't have asked for a better kitty. Love him pieces!
Cats that were downtrodden and then won the Lottery make me smile! Congratulations Greyson, its very apparent you know how lucky you were. Now enslave the bipeds! PS -- so sad to hear of Egypt's passing. Last I saw of her was that horrible surgery following the vaccination sarcoma. Devastating.