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By: BUDDERS 01.07.2011 11:06 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: BUDDY Tags: BUDDY!
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MANOU 18.04.2012 18:30 | Flag
Buddy.... I'm still thinking of you, Beauty ! Belzebuth and me will never forget you.....
MANOU 24.10.2011 15:13 | Flag
But we always think to this Special and so Lovely Cat..... He was so beautiful and sweet...... Unforgetable, BUDDERS.... we know that !
dambu 25.07.2011 14:36 | Flag
miss u buddy....
BUDDERS 01.07.2011 21:30 | Flag
Its been 2 years ago today that I lost a VERY SPECIAL kitty... he took a piece of my heart with him to Rainbow Bridge....I think about you EVERYDAY...Miss you...Love you....kitty kisses.....xx
iluvcats 01.07.2011 19:54 | Flag
Dear, dear Buddy. I will never, ever forget you and the wonderful life you had with your beloved Mary. You were one of the first little guys I met after joining Picato many years ago. My heart and soul were broken when I found out you were ill and eventually traveled to the Rainbow Bridge. I know though our furries who have joined you since were in good hands and that you welcomed them with open "paws" and guided them to the butterfly and sunshine filled fields ... Rest well dear friend ... hugs and tears to Momma Mary
POUPIE 01.07.2011 13:06 | Flag
Mary j, soyez assurée que VOTRE CHER BUDDY ,restera dans nos coeurs pour toujours.Nous l'aimons beaucoup,beaucoup...............................
Carmen 01.07.2011 12:45 | Flag
What a handsome boy was our Buddy!! I miss you too.
lindazena 01.07.2011 12:39 | Flag
You always in my mind, Buddy!
BUDDERS 01.07.2011 11:07 | Flag
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