variahtee says:
Her leg seemed better all day on Monday and even Sunday night, now this is Tuesday after she got outside for several hours. I think it is just sprained, because it gets better then she plays too hard for too long and it hurts again.
variahtee says:
Yes, same leg. I'm thinking it has a weak spot where it broke before. When we got up this morning, she was limping. I can't get to the vet til Monday.
variahtee says:
You probably have a point Taffy. Noodle inside or outside always has a much more wild side than Kiwi. Kiwi goes outside and I think she gets a bit nervous, like she will run, but kind of in slow motion so I can get her. Noodie goes out all day long if she can.
variahtee says:
Ohhh? Even cuter! I kept thinking he must be really tired to fall asleep on the floor like that. That is so awesome that he wants to be close. I know you need him right now and he needs you. How right is that? My son left for school yesterday too.