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Cats: Floppy Tags:
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doerscheln 20.01.2018 13:22 | Flag
It's good that you are realistic Mark. My old vet used to say that a cat that becomes 15, 16 years old, had a long life, every year more is a kind of a bonus. But I always thought and I still think that Floppy has a good chance to become 20 years old because he doesn't suffer from the incurable deseases old cats often do. My five "Mitzi family" cats had renal or pancreas problems or both. Morris and Minka suffered from heart failure. I also hoped for them that they would fall asleep one evening and don't wake up again in the morning but sadly that didn't happen. To cut a long story short, when it isn't cancer, I am sure Floppy can become one of the oldest and happiest cats on Picato.
tele_mark 20.01.2018 07:34 | Flag
Biposy results should be next week I'd think. He's lounging on the bed right now with Mikesch, looking like absolutely great. I'm realistic on this. He's a VERY old cat. If this doesn't get him, SOMETHING will, in a year, maybe 2 or three at the best.I was just wishing that all 4 from that family didn't go from cancer. Wouldn't be surprised if the 3 brothers I adopted out at 8 weeks went like that also. I was just hoping he'd just wear out and pass away in a cat bed with Mikesch next to him . Anyway, no thyroid meds now, no gabapentin now. They're suspect, and compared to this, the things they were meant to address are pretty minuscule.
doerscheln 20.01.2018 04:58 | Flag
First of all I am glad that Floppy is back home again, being totally himself and eating. Of course I'm not a vet but it doesn't sound like he has cancer to me, too because Floppy is doing and looking so well for his age and it is possible that the treatment for his thyroid could have caused the problems. When do you get the biopsy results ? I send all the best wishes and hugs and kisses.
tele_mark 20.01.2018 00:40 | Flag
I don't think this is cancer. I think its Pharmaceutical Malpractice. Anyone in So. NH with access to share time on a Mass Spectrometer, or outside the region with interest, want to get in on a "Ground Floor Opportunity?" Spread this wide on whatever SM platform you're on...
tele_mark 19.01.2018 23:12 | Flag
Totally himself after being home 2 hours after having every tooth in the upper part of his mouth yanked. . No sign of distress at all. Awaiting biopsy results, and will probably throw the big bux at this at Tufts or Angel Memorial if I have to, as long as he's not in discomfort.
tele_mark 19.01.2018 22:16 | Flag
Not good news. What I just sent my sister: "They pulled that canine out like it was in wet cement. Then he found the rest of the teeth on that side were the same, and pulled all them too. He said the gums are very spongy, and said it is most likely cancer. He asked me if I wanted to let Floppy wake up from this. I told him yes, because he's acting fine and eating fine at the moment. Then later he said that while he was under, since we were waking him up, he looked at the other side of the mouth to take care of any other dental work while he was under. All the upper teeth on the left side were bad as well, and he pulled them all too. He said that side was soft also, which was weird to him. Cancer would most likely be on one side, not both. So there is a small amount of hope. Waiting for the biopsy. He said there's a thyroid symptom that can cause a huge calcium deficiency. So since all this started when he went on the thyroid and pain meds, I let him wake up. He's doing fine with no upper teeth right now and wolfing down soft food."
tele_mark 18.01.2018 00:16 | Flag
Floppy will be 18 in May. He's going in on Friday morning.
MickeysMom 17.01.2018 15:30 | Flag
Any is poor Floppy doing? He is so sweet!
scrappy 16.01.2018 22:12 | Flag
I hope all goes well for dear Floppy and that it's only an abscessed tooth that's causing the increased pressure in his eye. Sending good thoughts your way Mark! Please feel better handsome boy. xxoo
2catts 16.01.2018 12:23 | Flag
Sending positive thoughts to you and Floppy.
doerscheln 15.01.2018 06:41 | Flag
Yes, of course I keep Floppy in my thoughts. Hope he will be fine again after the bad teeth are pulled out. But I'm afraid, Floppy will look a bit funny sometimes when one canine is gone, my Morris did . I'll post a pic of him later.
tele_mark 14.01.2018 22:31 | Flag
Please keep Floppy in everyone's thoughts. He's had runny eyes and drooling since November. The vet thought it might be a reaction to either the thyroid or arthritis meds. But had him checked again Saturday. They found that he has very bad dental disease, and a loose canine. The entire right side of his face is swollen, so bad that the right eye is under pressure -- don't know the unit of measure, but the right eye measured 30, the left was 9. They didn't want to out him under, but he'll need to go in this Friday. They're pretty certain the issue is his teeth, but won't know for sure until he's under.
doerscheln 14.01.2018 21:42 | Flag
Aaaawwww sweet Floppy! Kisses ,😻
scrappy 14.01.2018 19:48 | Flag
Rest well dear Floppy! xxoo
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