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Cats: Neighbor Cats Tags:
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Eli 14.07.2017 06:50 | Flag
You are right, Mark. My parents first cat, Charlie, belonged to the neighbors, but he chose to live with us. Every night I would carry him back to his family, but the next morning he was at our door and he spent his day with us. In the end, his family gave him to us and he lived happily for almost 17 years with my parents. And I have to say that our neighbors are great people, they just love animals, BUT, Charlie was more comfy with us!
tele_mark 13.07.2017 21:03 | Flag
I just hope he's happy being brought back home. Seems like he was doing just fine and found another place to live.
iluvcats 13.07.2017 18:47 | Flag
Makes me so happy for this kitty and his family! Never give up is the motto!!!
Eli 13.07.2017 06:20 | Flag
Well, Frederick sure went out to see the whole wide world! He is lucky someone saw him and posted him on FB!
tele_mark 13.07.2017 00:13 | Flag
These pics showed up on the local Facebook page, asking if anyone was missing a cat. I didn't connect it until the neighbor two houses down, who I met a few months ago, replied that this was her cat -- Frederick - and that she was worried because he hardly ever visits anymore. This is the Neighbor Cat -- who I last saw 10 months ago. This was taken about 5 miles away, through the woods, across farm fields and a major highway!
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