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Cats: Palba Tags:
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nikolina 28.11.2014 13:18 | Flag
stunning.. i love this pic:)
CrazyCatLaydee 26.11.2013 22:43 | Flag
LOL awww.. look it's the next generation of the keyboard cat!!
iluvcats2 15.11.2012 23:09 | Flag
Looks like a Main Coon. Beautiful kitten.
Eli 15.11.2012 07:28 | Flag
So cute and a piano player too!!!!!
iluvcats 14.11.2012 16:43 | Flag
are you kidding me? c'mon ... is this a real, live darling, adorable, tiny kitkat???? sigh
MickeysMom 14.11.2012 16:39 | Flag
OMG....Love little Palba, so sweet!!!
Dimtzort 14.11.2012 16:18 | Flag
I didn't know that kittens could play the piano! I cannot!
pmgr111 14.11.2012 15:54 | Flag
What a cutie!!
Chiara74 14.11.2012 14:52 | Flag
Moi ça sera Mozart!!!
isabelle 14.11.2012 13:55 | Flag
This is my favourite Chopin Etude.
lindazena 14.11.2012 11:21 | Flag
oOOHH!!! Super cute!!!!
jnine62 14.11.2012 10:36 | Flag