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23.01.2019 17:44 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
All my cats have stayed indoors. I've lived in suburbia or cities where there are too many cars or neighbors who don't like cats and now coyotes where I'm living. They've always been fine indoors and lived long lives.
23.01.2019 09:39 | Flag
doerscheln says:
BTW Luna and Lola were spayed nine days ago. This was so easy compared to 20 years ago. The next morning after the surgery it was like they had no surgery at all. They were just fine, running, jumping and playing. When I remember my other girls....they were not well for almost a week, had a long cut with many stitches and the whole belly was shaved but Luna and Lola lost only a few hairs, had a very small cut with only two stitches. They didn’t even need a collar.
23.01.2019 07:20 | Flag
Eli says:
I would also not let them outside, the roads today are not the roads of 10 or 20 years ago! Sadly, I have lost too many of my farm cats to the roads. And then it depends on each cat. My Henry is so happy to be indoor only, but Max woud just love to be able to be outside, although this is impossible living in the middle of Madrid....
23.01.2019 06:51 | Flag
doerscheln says:
I don‘t think that it is more dangerous than 10 or 20 years before but the nighbours have lost two cats on the main road the last three years and the three cats they have now walk down the hill to the road, too and cross the road, I have seen them there and that is of course very dangerous. My old gang never walkend down the hill, their territorry was the big field behind the house but you never know what these four will do.....Well, and now that I am alone, my husband and my mother passed away last year, then no one would be here to keep an eye on them when I have to leave the house and they are out. And although I am not a fraidy-cat....we left the balcony door open day and night for the cats, I think I wouldn‘t do that now but with this enclosure there would be no chance for someone to get into the house over the balcony and I can leave the door open. It‘s of course a bit sad for the cats , the life of an outdoor cat is more interesting and thrilling but they don‘t miss it, I am sure they have forgotten the few weeks they lived on a farm because they were very young when I got them.
22.01.2019 22:35 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Oh, can't wait to see pics of that! Any reason they are staying in now? Is it more dangerous for them now?
22.01.2019 22:26 | Flag
doerscheln says:
They are strictly indoor but I've ordered an " enclosure " for the balcony.
22.01.2019 18:54 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Do they go outside like your previous cats, or are they strictly indoor?
22.01.2019 17:55 | Flag
tele_mark says:
The kittens are going away already, and the beautiful cats are arriving!
22.01.2019 14:26 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Luna loves the „Bird“ , too.
22.01.2019 14:08 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Flynnie and bis favorite toy. I am sure he thinks it is a bird.
22.01.2019 07:48 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Super schönes Foto 😻😻😻
21.01.2019 17:19 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Hello Henry and Maxi!
21.01.2019 17:06 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
What beautiful kitties
20.01.2019 19:49 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
I remember when you started posting Claire. I had Arturro at the time and every time I put up a picture of him, he was orange and white, you put Claire's picture up. I have to admit it was rather annoying at the time. Arturro is no longer with me and I rarely post pictures anymore. The pics are on my i-products and too difficult to get into my pc.
20.01.2019 19:44 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
I do remember when Claire's health was touch and go. Great that she's doing well now.
20.01.2019 19:42 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
Lol on the suicide comment even though it is unpleasant to see the vole act that way.
19.01.2019 19:59 | Flag
Claire says:
Yeah Pops I'm kinda adorable so you're probably going to have to keep me!
19.01.2019 16:38 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Claire kitten pics!
19.01.2019 09:15 | Flag
Claire says:
I recently found a folder with a bunch of photos from Claire's first day home. Unfortunately all I had was a single use disposable camera, so the quality is iffy compared to the pics I can take today.
19.01.2019 08:46 | Flag
Claire says:
Hopefully it will get sorted out now that they know what they're dealing with. Claire is proof that they can recover from it. Her case was so bad that she was put on narcotics for the pain, but she is just fine today.
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