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24.11.2018 02:37 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Mikesch enjoys being groomed by Ambercat -- if he knows what's good for him!
24.11.2018 00:09 | Flag
tele_mark says:
She reminds me of Floppy in this pic, and she reminded me of Robocat in another.
23.11.2018 20:19 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Little, bigger, biggest.
23.11.2018 19:45 | Flag
Dimtzort says:
a genuine alley cat, on her favourite spot, near the drain!
23.11.2018 19:31 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Oh okay, I am glad Ambercat ist fine and I am sure he will continue to be fine, you take very good care of him.
23.11.2018 19:27 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Hi boys, hope everything is okay in your world !
23.11.2018 19:25 | Flag
doerscheln says:
The family is growing......
23.11.2018 19:10 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Yes, he's fine right now, but is still on the antibiotics course. Just keeping him off of the food I suspect caused the problem. Vet check up next Friday, we'll discuss what to do diet wise, and hopefully he'll continue to be fine after the antibiotics and bladder stone meds stop.
23.11.2018 17:06 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
Feeding time at the zoo!
23.11.2018 17:02 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
He's looking everything okay now?
23.11.2018 16:59 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
Awwww...AWJ loves his big brother Mikesch!!
22.11.2018 18:04 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
Madame looks pleased!
22.11.2018 18:03 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
A basket full of CUTE!
22.11.2018 14:50 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Flynn had other plans for it! I don't think he'll fit in it much longer though, so you'll eventually get it back!
22.11.2018 10:37 | Flag
doerscheln says:
This little basket should become a toy basket but.......
21.11.2018 23:49 | Flag
tele_mark says:
The Princess on her pillow bed.
20.11.2018 15:09 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
They're beautiful.
20.11.2018 03:08 | Flag
scrappy says:
Wow, I just love his markings, especially on his muzzle!
19.11.2018 16:46 | Flag
MickeysMom says: sweet!
19.11.2018 16:45 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
Carrie is gorgeous!
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