doerscheln says:
Now that the second generation is here, I post this pic in memory of the first generation Mietzi, Donna, Morris, Minka, Willi, Paulinchen, Moritz and Carlo. They will always be loved and missed and they will never be forgotten.
scrappy says:
How wonderful for you to adopt these little ones! I can imagine how difficult it has been since losing your dear Moritz xxoo. But I think he would approve of your new kinder kitties!
doerscheln says:
These three cats are not the cats I waited for because the farmer changed his mind and didn‘want to give the cats away. Today I have found Lilly, Lola and Paddy on a farm, too and I could take them home right away. Lola and Paddy are a bit shy but Lilly reminds me so much of my Donna, she is a real charmer.