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26.07.2018 23:40 | Flag
piperbaby says:
Baby talking!
26.07.2018 23:36 | Flag
piperbaby says:
26.07.2018 23:09 | Flag
piperbaby says:
26.07.2018 23:08 | Flag
piperbaby says:
26.07.2018 12:26 | Flag
piperbaby says:
Bootsie loving mommy's toast crumbs.
26.07.2018 12:14 | Flag
piperbaby says:
26.07.2018 07:21 | Flag
tele_mark says:
REALLY off-topic. But, I'm in the process of a kitchen renovation. That looks really nice. What is the flooring? Is that stone? And are the cabinets new or refaced? Really nice looking! Love the back splash --Subway? Beautiful galley kitchen!
26.07.2018 07:13 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Your cat family is awesome! (And that flooring is stunning!)
26.07.2018 02:22 | Flag
piperbaby says:
Miss Tabby being cute!
26.07.2018 01:56 | Flag
piperbaby says:
My deepest condolences!
26.07.2018 01:55 | Flag
Napicat says:
You love them all but one always stands out.
25.07.2018 15:00 | Flag
Mojojojo says:
What a lovely photograph your kitten looks so content :)
25.07.2018 14:59 | Flag
Mojojojo says:
Gorgeous Kitten :)
25.07.2018 06:36 | Flag
Eli says:
Dearest Floppy, he will never be forgotten
25.07.2018 01:48 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Thanks. They tear a Copernicus-sized crater out of your heart when they move on. And this one was about 10 times that.
24.07.2018 21:25 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Floppy's urn arrived today.
23.07.2018 06:41 | Flag
Eli says:
So good to see you again at this page! Hi Smallfry, are you cleaning the clean floor, lol??
23.07.2018 06:39 | Flag
Eli says:
Both are adorable!!!
23.07.2018 06:39 | Flag
Eli says:
Uh oh...
23.07.2018 06:38 | Flag
Eli says:
Inspector Ambercat checking if the rug is ok!
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