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16.07.2018 17:18 | Flag
jfchavezb says:
it's a girl 11 years old
16.07.2018 13:21 | Flag
cynthia says:
Always nice seeing your face, Claire. My first smile of the day has just happened!!!
16.07.2018 12:26 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Once again, Claire is very color-coordinated with her surroundings!
15.07.2018 04:38 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Wish I had his blood pressure....
15.07.2018 03:07 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Mikesch celebrating New Hampshire's legalization of catnip!
14.07.2018 23:07 | Flag
tele_mark says:
That's twisted! LOL!
14.07.2018 18:43 | Flag
Dimtzort says:
Pretty Bea!What sweet whiskers do you have!
14.07.2018 18:32 | Flag
iluvcats says:
14.07.2018 18:31 | Flag
iluvcats says:
So happy to see you posting on Picato!
14.07.2018 16:00 | Flag
scrappy says:
I'm so glad to see the very handsome Just George and a peek at Molly and Dwinky! xxoo
14.07.2018 15:59 | Flag
scrappy says:
14.07.2018 15:57 | Flag
scrappy says:
I'm so sorry about dear Nico, it is awful to see them go through anything...tears. I've been missing seeing your gang here on Picato, I'd been so concerned about all of them.
14.07.2018 15:54 | Flag
scrappy says:
So sweet, our Clairette!
13.07.2018 22:51 | Flag
Ajaycart says:
Still got these 3 though
13.07.2018 22:36 | Flag
Ajaycart says:
My last picture of Nico. Unfortunately looking worse for wear. But i like the pose
13.07.2018 21:37 | Flag
Claire says:
She's just a lil' feller!
13.07.2018 18:44 | Flag
Mquick80 says:
I'm back motherf#@*
13.07.2018 12:40 | Flag
Ajaycart says:
Thank you for the kind messages
13.07.2018 00:54 | Flag
tele_mark says:
He seems to seek out the shade more than the other two, but enjoys basking in the crazy heat and humidity just as much.
12.07.2018 19:57 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
Couldn't sleep Claire...thought you would catch a show?
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