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29.06.2018 20:12 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
Are the kitties being socialized at the farm as in havening human interaction?
29.06.2018 18:25 | Flag
iluvcats says:
Soooooooo sweet!
29.06.2018 18:25 | Flag
iluvcats says:
Always the center of your world -- way to go Clairebelle!
29.06.2018 18:24 | Flag
iluvcats says:
29.06.2018 18:24 | Flag
iluvcats says:
Smart kitties in the shade!
29.06.2018 18:24 | Flag
iluvcats says:
29.06.2018 13:17 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Can't wait!
29.06.2018 06:55 | Flag
doerscheln says:
The farmer didn‘t keep his promise and didn‘t take pics. 🙁 But they are 8 weeks and 3 days old today, can‘t take long anymore . Next week hopefully....
29.06.2018 06:50 | Flag
doerscheln says:
These boxes must be made of cat nip !
29.06.2018 06:37 | Flag
tele_mark says:
He just knows what to do. 3 seconds before the shutter is tripped, he is in Lovey Dovey mode with the box. Like a drunk Ted Kennedy 5 seconds after the press walks into the bar. Past tense....
29.06.2018 06:30 | Flag
tele_mark says:
When are we gonna see your gingers Martina?
29.06.2018 06:26 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Enjoy the summer in NH boys !
29.06.2018 06:25 | Flag
doerscheln says:
The lover 😀
29.06.2018 06:24 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Aaaaawwwww so sweet !
29.06.2018 06:24 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Stunning !
29.06.2018 05:38 | Flag
tele_mark says:
The Ginger Thing is definitely evident there. A handful! Literally at this age!
29.06.2018 05:36 | Flag
tele_mark says:
A visitor from the Ginger Cat Gang? I just posted a link to my album over there in a thread yesterday.
28.06.2018 21:16 | Flag
Napicat says:
And who would this be? Good claws.
28.06.2018 06:59 | Flag
tele_mark says:
If they get ahold of one, the prognosis isn't usually good. I've save a few though.
27.06.2018 13:17 | Flag
cynthia says:
Claire, you and Tom Petty could make some great music together. You are two of my favorites.
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