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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 30.11.2014 00:21 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Tags:
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doerscheln 30.11.2014 23:33 | Flag
That had been a great video, too !
tele_mark 30.11.2014 19:12 | Flag
He loves it! I wish I got it on camera, but he walked up to a baseball sized snow ball, grabbed it in both paws, stood up with it and tried to walk on his back legs!
doerscheln 30.11.2014 18:27 | Flag
All my cats loved/love the snow. This little Viking will get used to the white stuff I am sure.
suelin57 30.11.2014 01:54 | Flag
Gracie won't let her paws touch snow! eeeewwwww! lol
tele_mark 30.11.2014 00:24 | Flag
Storm sees snow for the first time.
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