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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 25.06.2014 18:41 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Mikesch Tags: group
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pmgr111 27.06.2014 02:44 | Flag
Great picture of the brothers. They look healthy and happy living with you, lucky cats!!! I know its been a hard road for you and them.
Eli 26.06.2014 11:08 | Flag
Great pic, great cats, they know how to sit pretty for the picture!!
suelin57 26.06.2014 07:33 | Flag
Sit still - daddy said "say cheese"!!!
doerscheln 25.06.2014 19:30 | Flag
I agree this is a very cute shot ! Always a pleasure to open Picato and to see you two treasures or your older brothers. XO
iluvcats 25.06.2014 19:06 | Flag
Oh goodness gracious -- what a sweet, sweet snap!!!!! Luv you Storm and Mikesch!!!
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Louis, doerscheln,